Stay Lean And Keep Your Testosterone
Stay Lean and Keep Your Testosterone
We know how important estrogen is for women, but did you know it’s an important hormone for men? Yup, you guys have it, too. There is an enzyme in fat cells called aromatase; it takes testosterone made by the testicles and coverts it into estrogen. The more fat cells a guy has, the more testosterone gets turned into estrogen. The less relative testosterone is kept around to act on tissues, the tougher it is to maintain muscle mass and lose fat mass. The more fat that is put on, the more testosterone is converted into estrogen, in essence dropping the testosterone level, which in turn makes it harder to burn the fat mass… and so the vicious cycle begins. That’s why hitting the gym and getting regular cardiovascular exercise to keep the waistline in check is a great way to keep more of the testosterone that’s being made as testosterone condition.