Vasectomies December 15, 2014 “Vasectomies” from by Pelvic Zen. Released: 2014. Share this: Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest
Dr. Kavoussi gives lecture on treatment of testicular pain as a post-graduate course faculty at the American Urological Association meeting. The American Urological Association has its national meeting annually, with around 15,000 urologists from...
Physical Therapy for Chronic Male Pelvic Pain and Erectile Dysfunction As a pelvic floor physical therapist in Austin, I often find that people are...
Dr. Kavoussi goes on air with KLBJ to discuss muscle building supplements association with testicular cancer in young men. Dr. Parviz Kavoussi recently went on air on KLBJ with Perry Watson to discuss...
Robotic Vasectomy Reversal Dr. Parviz Kavoussi from Austin Fertility & Reproductive Medicine is interviewed by KVUE Austin...
What’s the big deal about the “no-scalpel vasectomy”? Although there are a number of differences in how vasectomies are performed by different...
Testosterone & Male Infertility Dr. Parviz Kavoussi Austin Fertility Infertility Male Texas
Dr Kavoussi lecture on robotic vasectomy reversal at the RAMSES meeting in Strasbourg, France Dr. Kavoussi gives a lecture on the use of the operative robot to perform...
Cell Phones and Fertility Dr. Parviz Kavoussi is interviewed about Cell Phone use and their effects on male...
Klinefelter Syndrome and Male Fertility Dr. Parviz Kavoussi discusses Klinefelter Syndrome and Male Fertility
Testosterone and Heart Health Can Prostate Cancer Treatment Cause Heart Attacks? Dr. Parviz Kavoussi is interviewed on 2/29/2012...
Obesity and Male Infertility Dr. Parviz Kavoussi is interviewed on 3/27/2012 by KTBC 7 FOX TV station in...
Mother’s Day Fertility Mother’s Day is special for one local Austinite. Interview by Colby Howell on 05/13/2012.
Couples Fitness & Fertility Dr. Shahryar Kavoussi and Dr. Parviz Kavoussi interviewed by KEYE CBS 42 in Austin,...
Low Testosterone and Male Fertility Dr. Parviz Kavoussi interviewed by KVUE 24 ABC in Austin, Texas on 10/16/2012
Oxytocin’s Effect on Male Sexuality Dr. Parviz Kavoussi interviewed by KEYE in Austin, Texas on 11/14/2012
Femara more effective for PCOS News Story on the cross over effects of a Breast Cancer Medication used on...
Fertility and Fitness The old saying “lead by example” certainly holds true in medicine. That is not...
Insider Interview 1. Describe the most rewarding experience that you have had working with a patient?...
Low Testosterone Impact on Fitness Are you abiding by a strict regimen of exercise and a healthy diet, but...
New study gives hope to increase success rates of microdissection testicular sperm extraction (sperm retrieval technique) for men with no sperm in the semen One in 100 men in the United States have no sperm in their semen...
Premature Ejaculation: Understand it better to treat it more successfully Parviz K. Kavoussi, M.D. Reproductive Urologist Austin Center for Men’s Health: A Division of...
Robots Assisting with Fatherhood Approximately 500,000 men undergo vasectomy a year in the United States, and approximately six...
Testicular Pain: Current Understanding and Treatment Testicular pain has a significant effect on the quality of life of many men,...
Varicoceles and Low Testosterone A varicocele is defined as abnormally dilated scrotal veins. We have known for quite...
Medical Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction – May 1, 2012 Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to attain and/or maintain a penile...